Kwangjin pursues the environmental, health & safety management philosophy based on
ISO 14001(Environmental management system) & ISO 45001(Halth & Safety management system),
and declare the following environmental and safety policies in order to establish a safety culture,
improve the health of members, protect the environment for futrue generations.
- 01
- Product production, transportation, storage, and disaster-free activities are carried out throughout the facility, and effors are made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions(carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, dioxide).
- 02
- Efforts are made to comply with stakeholder requirements and regulations.
- 03
- Participate voluntarily and practice continuous improvement to improve environmental, safety, and health performance.
- 04
- Continuously practice pollution prevention and waste reduction for environmental protection.
- 05
- Continuous improvement shall be implemented by consulting and participating with workers to eliminate/reduce environmental andsafety health risk factors and achieve performance.