Global Kwangjin


Ethics Hotline (Web based)

KWANGJIN Group operates an Ethics Hotline (Web based) to address violations of sustainable management manuals, ethical procedures, and other related issues.  Ethics Hotline (Web based) is accessible to all stakeholders, including employees, collaborating companies, customers, and other internal or external parties. The following issues are considered reportable, but not limited to:


Reportable Issues  

  • Reports related to corruption (abuse of authority, bribery, kickbacks, contract violations, etc.)
  • Lack of transparency in the selection of collaborating companies
  • Leaking of company information
  • Employees engaged in dual employment
  • Harassment within the workplace, including sexual harassment
  • Discrimination and inhumane treatment
  • Any other socially condemned acts that deviate from general principles, standards, or common sense

Whistleblower Protection

  • The confidentiality of the whistleblower's information (identity, name, and content of the report) is guaranteed, and any attempts to trace the whistleblower are strictly prohibited. However, the counselor's identity and counseling information may be disclosed or provided under the following circumstances:

    1) When required by law or regulations

    2) When provided to external experts for legal advice after a confidentiality agreement

  • If the whistleblower faces disadvantages or punishment due to the report, measures for restoration or similar compensation will be implemented. 
  • Reports related to the whistleblower will be objectively considered for reasonable handling.

※Anonymous reports without credible evidence that cannot be verified may be challenging to process.

Collection and Use of Personal Information Agreement

  • Purpose: To ensure smooth communication for providing feedback on the processing results
  • Items: Name, mobile phone number, email address.
  • Retention Period: The collected counseling and reporting information will be destroyed immediately after resolution
Consent to collect and use personal information, etc
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Tel *
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subject *
Other contents
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